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Blog | Engineering Leadership

Leveraging Customer Problems for Better Engineering Outcomes

Learn how Francisco Trindade, VP of Engineering at Braze, approaches engineering leadership to help his team be effective and align with business goals.

Why Context Matters in Engineering Leadership

Uplevel guides engineering teams to fulfill their highest potential. In this pursuit, we consult with all kinds of experts, and they always teach us something new. We’re introducing the Expert Series to share this wealth of knowledge.

Balancing Engineering Alignment with Autonomy

Learn how Francisco Trindade, VP of Engineering at Braze, approaches engineering leadership to help his team be effective and align with business goals.

Why Software Developers Need Customer Empathy

Engineering orgs have an empathy problem. In this article, Uplevel CTO Nimrod Vered discusses how engineering leaders can help bridge the empathy gap between their customers and devs, and why doing so benefits both.

Leadership evolution with Joe Levy

Our CEO, Joe Levy, sat down with Beyond the Blue Badge host Ali Spain to discuss leading during the pandemic, managing a remote workforce, and keeping startup culture strong.

Q&A with James LaPlaine, CTO of Red Ventures

Uplevel guides engineering teams to fulfill their highest potential. In this pursuit, we consult with all kinds of experts, and they always teach us something new. We’re introducing the Expert Series to share this wealth of knowledge.

Putting the Voice of the Developer First: Lessons from Amazon

Uplevel guides engineering teams to fulfill their highest potential. In this pursuit, we consult with all kinds of experts, and they always teach us something new. We’re introducing the Expert Series to share this wealth of knowledge.

Interview with Uplevel CTO Ravs Kaur

A Geek Leader Podcast was created by John Rouda as a way to inspire and grow IT Leaders.

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